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Developing a Culture of Giving Through Your Church Capital Campaign

grace giving

We’re about more than raising money… 

We want to help you develop a culture of giving of Time, Talent, and Treasure in Your Church Capital Campaign

As our testimonies attest, we are certainly successful at assisting churches with “just” their capital campaigns.  However, we would really prefer to help a church with a capital campaign in a larger context – that of developing within its membership a culture of generous giving.

  1. Giving of time for the work of the Lord,

  2. Giving of the talents and spiritual gifts, and yes,

  3. Giving of their money – but not just to the building program

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” - Ephesians 2:10

Generous Giving of Time – Every day is a day the Lord has made. Every day presents an opportunity to do the will of our Heavenly Father.  We want to help you create a culture of generous giving of time to the work of the Lord. How would your church benefit from more people giving of their time to the work of the ministry?

Generous Giving of Talents – Every believer is given some spiritual gift (1 Cor 12:4-7) and most have a natural talent.  Many have developed skills that can be used along with their gifting for the work of the Lord.  How much more could your ministry do if it better tapped into the gifting and talents of its members?

Generous Giving of Treasure – A church capital campaign should certainly raise money for the project, but it should also be part of a larger effort to increase giving to the general fund and other ministries.  In this larger context, we still raise money for the building program or to retire debt through the capital campaign. A church capital campaign is, however, relatively short in duration, but if we can create a culture of generosity, it can change your members for a lifetime.

There are two things that most churches don’t seem to have an abundance of; people to do the work and the money to fund the ministry. Properly done, the development of a culture of generosity can solve both of these issues. That is because each of the issues giving of time, gifting, and money originate from the same place – the heart. If we can address the heart and help everyone recognize their calling and gifting for good works, generosity will flow.

Everyone whose heart stirred him and everyone whose spirit moved him came and brought the LORD’S contribution for the work of the tent of meeting and for all its service and for the holy garments.” - Exodus 35:21

One of the goals of the church capital campaign is to stir the heart. If you continue reading this passage through verse 29, you will read that those whose hearts were stirred brought their offerings and service to the Lord. The benefits of a properly directed church capital campaign extend well beyond merely the financial giving to the project at hand.  

To achieve these results, however, requires careful planning, clear communication, and purposeful execution; all things that your campaign coach can assist with in your church capital campaign.

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