Church Build Guide:
Preparing to Build

Practical Tips & Experienced Advice on How to Properly Prepare for a Church Building Program
Written by an experienced church building consultant, Preparing to Build is a church building guide containing nearly 200 pages of real-world practical information & church building guidelines – things you should know about building a church before you engage an architect, builder, or banker.
“How blessed is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding.” Proverbs 3:13
“What you don’t know, will hurt you.”
- Steve Anderson, Late Founder, Abundant Giving
Preparing to Build is a comprehensive church build guide to prepare a church for a construction project. As a book on church construction it is a ‘must read’ for any church that is planning on building a church anytime in the next one to five years.
This book may be the best investment you make in your entire church build program. It is a small investment that can save you time, effort, stress, and precious dollars in your church construction effort.
3rd edition – 200 pages, with illustrations
Forward by Dr. Paul Smith, Sr. Pastor, Crosspoint Alliance Church
3 Appendices, including a readiness to build assessment
Preparing to Build has been used as a textbook or resource by:
Liberty University – DMin Program
New Life Theological Seminary – Methodologies of Capital Gifts
NC Baptist Convention – Church Planning & Building Resource
Table of Contents
The Call
Special Building Challenges for Today’s Church
The Wisdom of Solomon
Chapter 1 - What is Prepared to Build?
What Does It Mean to Be Prepared to Build?
Proper Process Prevents Poor Performance
God is Not the Author of Confusion
The Key to a Better Building Program
The Preparing to Build Process
Chapter 2 - Avoiding Common Mistakes
There’s Nothing New Under the Sun
Common Mistakes in Church Construction
Chapter 3 - Forming a Building Committee
Building Committee - Overall Structure
Structure of the Executive Building Committee
Staffing Committees
Chapter 4 - The Crucial Role of Vision in Building
The Burden of Vision
When the Vision is Bigger Than the Budget
The Benefits of Outside Counsel
Separating Needs & Wants
Chapter 5 - Design
The Benefits of Conceptual Master Planning
Things to Remember in the Design Process:
Questions to Ask When Hiring an Architect
General Background Questions
Proposed Project Questions
Fees & Contractual Issues
Making the Final Decision
Subjective Issues to Evaluate and Consider
Pre-developed or Stock Church Plans
Chapter 6 - Financing
Common Financing Misconceptions & Mistakes
Financial Ability & Counting the Cost
Estimating a Maximum Building Budget
Lending – What to Expect
Conventional Financing
Financial Loan Package
Bond Offerings
Retiring Debt
How Much Does It Cost to Build?
A Simple Financing Example
Chapter 7 - Capital Campaigns & Fundraising
The Three Pillars of a Capital Stewardship Campaign
What You Should Expect
The Financial Benefits
When Should the Church Run a Capital Campaign?
Retiring Debt Is More Expensive Than Avoiding It!
Chapter 8 - Construction Methods
Open Book Construction Management (OBCM)
Selecting a Builder
Chapter 9 - Building Guidelines & Rules of Thumb
General Building Guidelines
Issues That Drive Up Construction Costs
Chapter 10 - Special Challenges for Small Churches
Financing Challenges
Accounting Practices
Shortage of Workers
Buying Land
Lease-Purchase – A Financing Alternative
Preparing for the Future
Chapter 11 - Purchasing Land
How Much Land?
Where to Build?
Searching for Land
Finding Land Through Social Networking
Finding Land Via Real Estate Web Sites
Land Purchase Options
Religious Land Use (RLUIPA)
Chapter 12 - Ponderings & Observations
Appendix A - Readiness Assessment
Appendix B - Insights on Achieving a Positive Church Construction Experience
Appendix C - Giving in the Church: An Analysis of Average Giving per Person
About the Author
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Praise Report from Believers In Faith Full Gospel Baptist Church
We followed your advice in chapter 11 of Preparing To Build. We called the owner about the property behind the church and asked them to donate that property to our church. And their response was YES!! We are working up the paper as we speak. Thank you for this book, I have learned so much from this book. We will continue to give you praise report as we move toward the promise of God.
- Overseer Bruce Martin
A Great Foundation for Our Church
This book has been a great foundation for our church and newly formed building committee. Having tried to build two years ago, it is funny (for lack of better term) how many of the pitfalls and common mistakes you point out we have actually experienced ourselves, just as if you were sitting in our congregation.
- L. Dahm
Very Helpful In The Process
I shared your book with several people and one of them showed it to the architect and I believe that he bought a copy for himself. Everyone commented favorably on your book and the information in it. It has been very helpful in our process.
- Ray Klingensmith
Recommended as Required Reading
I read it [Preparing to Build] several times and even made copies of a few chapters for the other members of the committee. I found the information very useful and well thought out. Many things I had not even thought of. I went back to it several times for reference points. The book was a great help to me personally and to the committee. I would recommend it required reading to all who are thinking of building a church building.
It [the church] is now completed and we had dedication service in Nov of 2011. It is a 7500 sq ft building consisting of a 250 seat sanctuary, Narthex, offices, and classrooms. We believe we are in a good position to grow as the Lord directs. Thanks for getting us started out right.
- Gary Hatten, Building Chairman, Immanuel Baptist Church
I just wanted to comment on your book, it’s phenomenal! Your book has everything from A to Z in terms of preparing the church to build. Thank you for your insight, this information is priceless!
- D. Owens
An Excellent Tool for Our Building Committee
I purchased three copies of your book. What an excellent tool for our building committee! Your insight and knowledge of this subject matter will save our church countless hours and potential mistakes in preparing to build God’s house for our congregation.
- D. Spain
Preparing to Build will help your church:
Understand practical guidelines for church construction.
Understand the proper steps in a church building program.
Understand what the church can reasonably expect to borrow.
Describe how to develop a preliminary church construction budget.
Understand what to expect from a church capital campaign.
Understand how to evaluate architects and builders.
Understand various church financing options.
Avoid common mistakes and pitfalls in church design & construction.
Understand various methods of contracting for construction.
Determine your readiness to build through the included assessment.
As a result your church will:
Know how to move forward with confidence.
Save money in church design & construction.
Reduce the amount of time & effort you will have to invest.
Reduce the amount of stress and worry.
Reduce the uncertainty of what to build and why.
Properly equip your leadership and building or long-range planning committee.
Be more satisfied with the outcome of the building program.