Church Building Guide: Preparing to Build

This book may be the best investment you make in your entire church building program. It is a small investment that can save you time, effort, stress, and precious dollars in your church construction effort.
3rd edition – 200 pages, with illustrations
Forward by Dr. Paul Smith, Sr. Pastor, Crosspoint Alliance Church
3 Appendices, including a readiness to build assessment
Free 53 Page Preview.
"Thanks for cutting through all of the baloney out there and getting to the point. I spent hours on the internet trying to get good unbiased information on building a church. When I was almost ready to give up, I happened upon a one-page document you had written of concise guidelines for building a church. I learned more in five minutes from that page than I had learned in the previous five hours. I ordered your book and got a real education in this whole process we are embarking on!" – M. Briney
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Preparing to Build has been used as a textbook or resource by:
Liberty University – DMin Program
New Life Theological Seminary – Methodologies of Capital Gifts
NC Baptist Convention – Church Planning & Building Resource
Learn the proper steps in a church building program
So you can move forward with confidence knowing you are taking the right steps at the right time
Identify the four sources of construction funding
So you can be sure you have the resources you need to start your project
Avoid common mistakes in church design and construction
So you can save time, money, and stress
Objectively evaluate how much land and facilities space your ministries need to accomplish your vision
So you can be sure you know exactly what you need to build and why
Determine your readiness to build through the included assessment
So you can have peace of mind knowing you can finish what you start