The single most effective church fund raising program for a building fund is a capital campaign.
Churches develop building funds for a variety of reasons including building new facilities or repair and renovation of existing building(s). Traditional church fund-raising programs for things like children’s and youth programs or local ministries include things like bake sales and selling cookbooks, candy bars, pies or maybe the infamous chicken or BBQ dinner fundraiser.
However, if you are trying to raise funds for new construction or renovations, you would have to sell a LOT of candy bars or BBQ dinners to make even a small dent in a church building fund budget! If your church needs to raise money for its building fund, the most effective fund raising program will be a church capital campaign. Make no mistake, no other method is as effective, either financially or spiritually.
If you are looking to raise money to build, repair or renovate your church, no other method that will raise as much money as that of a properly run church capital fundraising campaign, and it’s biblical too.
Capital Fund Raising – Growing the Church Building Fund
A church building fund for capital projects such as construction, renovation, church planting, or relocation require a great deal of fundraising, something that is all but impossible for the church to accomplish by selling candy bars or chicken dinners. After all, it takes a lot of candy bars or chicken dinners to build or even repair a church building!
When the church is selling a fundraiser product, it is essentially trading a product for cash. Not only would the church have to move a lot of “product” to raise any significant amount of money, there is no spiritual component to fundraising in this manner; it’s just a business transaction that people can feel good about. A truly successful church capital fundraising campaign will produce spiritual as well as financial fruit.
If you are looking to raise money for your church’s building fund or other capital expense, you need to look beyond the bake sale and chicken dinners. You need to look for a church fundraising solution that will provide the maximum spiritual and financial benefit! The money you need to build to build or renovate is sitting right in front of you each Sunday!
What is a Church Capital Campaign?
A church capital campaign is a carefully choreographed, spiritual endeavor that produces spiritual and financial fruit through a dedicated offering above and beyond the current tithes and offerings. A professionally facilitated campaign will typically raise between one and three times the church’s current annual income over a traditional 3-year giving period, all of what can be applied to your building fund.
A capital campaign is an important part of every church’s financial strategy to raise money for construction or to retire debt. A biblically based capital campaign will honor God and respect your congregation. A proper church capital campaign will first bear spiritual fruit that leads to increased giving of the members’ time, treasure, and talents in supporting the church’s vision and mission.
In summary, if you are looking to raise significant money to purchase land, build a church, renovate, or even retire debt, the best church fundraising program is a church capital campaign.