Church Stewardship: A Guide to Nurturing Generosity and Responsibility in Your CongregationChurch stewardship is a vital aspect of fostering a community that is not only generous but also responsible in managing the resources...
5 Ministerial Myths about Money and MinistryI'll never forget his response. We were in the locker room of a racquet club getting dressed after playing several games of three-way...
6 Characteristics of Grace GivingBecause the apostle Paul uses the Greek word charis for “unmerited favor” or “grace” ten times in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, his two great...
Don't Preach a Sermon on Giving!Preach a series of sermons on giving. In my twenty years as a senior pastor, I learned that a stand-alone sermon on stewardship, even if...
Is Tithing for Today?What Is the Truth about the Tithe? I don’t believe that the new covenant believer is commanded anywhere in the Bible to give ten percent...
Are Church Capital Campaigns Biblical?Church Capital Campaigns Are Biblical! I get excited when people challenge the concept of a church capital campaign because they don’t...